We are delighted to announce that Sporting Saint will again be supporting Sponsor to Scurry Bandits and the Events they will be attending this year 2013- please see the events list below
If you would like more info on Scurry Bandits please follow this link http://www.scurrybandits.co.uk/
31st 1st March April Thame Oxfordshire L/H
5th 6th May Netley Marsh,s Show ground Romsey L/H
26th 27th Burghley House Stamford L/H
8th 9th June Woburn Park Bucks L/H
22nd 23rd June Annies DEFINITLY ON
3rd 4th August Preswold Hall Liecestershire Near Loughborough L/H
17th 18th August Best of the Best Salisbury and its Cliff's 60th birthday
24th 25th 26th August Cheshire Knutsford L/H
7th 8th September Sandringham and the Finals L/H
28th 29th September Wiltshire at Bowood. L/H
L/H Living Heritage Shows I will be attending.